How we created


User-Centric Design Fuels Client Success for Covalente

Created in 2019
Covalente Website - User-Centric Design - A user-centric website design for Covalente.

About the Covalente Website

Interactive Design and Collaborative Spirit

Covalente holds a significant place in my portfolio as one of the first projects where I had the opportunity to implement user-engaging elements. These elements included seamless page transitions and various animations strategically placed throughout the website.

During the development process, the Covalente team revealed the inspiration behind the project’s name: “Enlace Covalente,” which translates to “covalent bond” in English. A covalent bond is a chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms. This concept of “sharing” served as a guiding principle for the website’s design. We implemented this theme by creating an animated logo in the main section that reacts to user mouse movement. Additionally, we employed modern design techniques to enhance website navigation and implemented maintainability strategies to facilitate future modifications by other developers.

Positive Client Impact

The Covalente team exhibited immense satisfaction with the final website design. It was gratifying to witness their efforts in promoting the website and the positive impact it had on their professional endeavors. The website reportedly bolstered their client communication strategies and instilled confidence when approaching new clients. Covalente’s subsequent collaborations with well-known brands like Nivea, Hasbro, and Tommy Hilfiger are a testament to their success. While the website undoubtedly played a role, we also acknowledge the unwavering passion that the Covalente team consistently brings to all their projects.

Lasting Impact

Covalente remains a memorable project for the positive experience it provided. The close collaboration with the client and their immense satisfaction upon website launch is a truly rewarding outcome that I cherish sharing with my colleagues.

Every great project starts with a conversation.

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