How we created


Simplifying Payments. A User-Centric Web App Experience

Created in 2018
iPago Website - QR Code Payments - A user-friendly website for iPago, a QR code payment gateway.

About the iPago Website

Frontend Development and User Experience Lead

The iPago website, a project by the creators of iCrea, presented an incredible opportunity to hone my development skills. As the lead frontend developer, I spearheaded the creation of all user-facing features and systems. This project further enriched my expertise by necessitating close collaboration with backend developers to ensure seamless user functionality.

iPago’s core objective was to simplify the payment reception process for any bank, enabling instant transactions via QR code scans. While the QR code scanning functionality resided within a separate app (not developed by me), the iPago website played a crucial role in the overall user experience.

Key Features and Deliverables

The iPago website offered a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline the user experience:

  • QR Code Generation: Users could effortlessly generate customized QR codes containing their business information. These printable codes facilitated instant iPago payment acceptance.
  • Transaction Management: Users were empowered to view past transactions, deposit and withdraw funds, and update profile information, all within the user-friendly interface.
  • Interactive User Feedback: We implemented visually engaging animations for success, warning, and error states, enhancing the overall interactivity of the web application.

Expanding Functionality with the Electron App

In addition to the web application, we developed a complementary Electron app for businesses. This desktop application offered a range of additional features, including:

  • Invoice Number Management
  • Automatic Updates
  • User Session Caching
  • Enhanced Business Controls
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility
  • Beyond Development: Training and User Support

My involvement with iPago extended beyond development. I actively participated in employee training sessions, oversaw the installation of beta versions of the Electron app, and played a key role in product presentations, guiding potential users through the application’s functionalities.

The iPago project continues to hold a special place in my heart. It served as a powerful testament to the transformative impact applications can have on people’s lives. It further emphasized the paramount importance of user-centric design and intuitive interfaces in the development process.

Every great project starts with a conversation.

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